The Seniors Club meets the 1st Thursday of every month at noon.
It is a potluck luncheon and following the meal they have devotions and
an activity such as guest speakers or a trip to a local place of interest.
The Dorcas Guild belongs to the LWML(Lutheran Women’s Missionary League).
They meet the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 9:30 am for coffee and fellowship.
The meeting begins at 10 am. Dorcas Guild serves our church by providing flowers and
cards to shut-ins. They also serve meals at funerals, Lent services, Advent services and numerous
other church events. Dorcas Guild proceeds support missionary work here and abroad.
Gethsemane supports Orphan Grain Train, an organization that collects clothes and medical supplies. At Gethsemane the clothes are folded and then packed in boxes to take to Norfolk, Nebraska to distribute throughout the world. Gethsemane packs on Wednesday mornings from 8 am-12 pm.